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We are always open for suggestions
An overview of the features our static form endpoints support. We are always open for suggestions
You can just create a form without registering an account or adding any code to your server or website. You only have to verify your e-mail address and add our custom form endpoint in your form, and you are good to go!
We've all been there. You add your e-mail address on your website, and suddenly you are overloaded with SPAM from bots that scraped your address from your site. With Un-static Forms, you don't have to publish your e-mail address online anymore. Just create a new static form endpoint and your e-mail address is hidden from sight.
After your user fills in your form, and it's submitted here to Un-static, they will be redirected back to your site. From their perspective they've never even left your site.
If you link your form endpoint to an Un-static account, you can tell us which submission field contains the e-mail address of your customer. That way we can make you life easier, and allow you to direct reply to a form submission you receive from us in your mailbox.
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The main difference between a free account and a subscription?
The amount of resources you are allowed to use.